Drogers en koelers

Vibrerende Fluid Bed Machines

Droogt, koelt, bevochtigd efficiënt en tegen minder kosten.
This award-winning design increases efficiency, cuts cleaning time and reduces cost, compared with rectangular fluid bed dryers, coolers and moisturizers. The circular shape with quick-disconnect housing requires only one air inlet and outlet, and is inherently rigid, allowing materials of construction to be down-gauged, vibratory motors to be down-sized, and associated components to be eliminated. Reductions in material, required welding, and labor, decrease cost especially when finished to sanitary standards. Models from 18 to 84 in. (460 to 2135 mm) in diameter.

Hoge temperaturen Fluid Bed Batch droger

Droogt kleine hoeveelheden materiaal tot 315˚C.
Kason’s Fluid Bed Processing System is offered with an accessory package for batch drying at temperatures to 600°F (315°C). The self-contained system comes complete with a fluid bed processor, heater, blower, cyclone separator and controls on a castermounted frame, ready for connection to a material inlet/outlet and powersource. The 18 in. (460 mm) diameter laboratory/pilot plant model shown dries up to one cu. ft. (28 liters) per cycle, after which a valve at the spout automatically opens to evacuate the material.

Fluid Bed Batch systemen voor laboratoria en pilot plants

Kleine hoeveelheden product, efficiënt en tegen geringe kosten.
Kason Circular Fluid Bed Processors in 18, 24 and 30 in. (460, 610 and 760 mm) diameters dry, cool or moisturize bulk foods, pharmaceuticals and chemicals in batch sizes typical of lab and pilot plant applications. Available for purchase or rental, they offer the same performance advantages as larger diameter models, allowing accurate projections of production scale efficiencies from test results. All components of the system can be consolidated on a compact, caster-mounted frame, ready to plug in and run.

Fluid Bed machines voor gemiddelde capaciteiten

Droogt, koelt of bevochtigd product batchgewijs of continue.
Kason’s 40 in. (1016 mm) diameter Circular Fluid Bed Dryer satisfies a range of medium volume production applications not satisfied by rectangular systems, and does so with high operating efficiency at low capital cost. Because the circular design is inherently more rigid, lighter materials and smaller motors can be used, and cross braces eliminated, reducing material and fabrication costs significantly particularly when contact surfaces are finished to sanitary standards. Complete systems can be consolidated on caster-mounted frames.

Fluid Bed machines voor gemiddeld tot hoge capaciteit

Overtreft andere systemen met vergelijkbare oppervlaktes.
Kason’s Circular Fluid Bed Processing systems in diameters of 48, 60, 72 and 84 in. (1220, 1525, 1830 and 2135 mm) dry, cool or moisturize up to 10 tons/h of bulk material, with higher operating efficiency and at lower capital cost than possible with rectangular systems. Inherently rigid, Kason’s circular design utilizes lighter materials of construction and smaller motors. It also eliminates the need for cross braces and multiple air inlets/outlets, significantly reducing material and fabrication costs especially when systems are finished to sanitary standards.

Dubbeldeks Fluid Bed Machine

Vermindert investeringskosten, lager energie verbruik en minder vloeroppervlakte nodig.
Kason’s patented Double-Deck, Circular Vibratory Fluid Bed Processor offers unprecedented reductions in capital cost, energy usage and floor space per pound of product being dried or cooled. The addition of an upper deck makes use of heated or cooled air that would otherwise be exhausted after passing through the lower deck, and requires little to no increase in the size or energy consumption of imbalanced-weight motors, heat exchangers or blower fans, nearly doubling capacity and efficiency with little to no increase in operating cost or floor space.


Samuel de Marezhof 18
3953CH  Maarsbergen

BTW nr.: NL867166332B01
KVK nr.: 95524754


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